Choosing the Best Website Application Development Company

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Tips for Web Development Last Updated: September 4, 2024
Author: Steve Herz
Choosing the Best Website Application Development Company

Have you ever landed on a website so slow or clunky that you leave before even checking it out? Frustrating, right?

Imagine that's your business's site—customers bouncing off before they get a taste of what you offer. Ouch. The reality is, with customer expectations nowadays, your website can make or break you.

Building a web app that's smooth, engaging, and up-to-date is no easy feat. Many businesses struggle with the endless updates, tech headaches, and the constant worry that their site isn't cutting it. But here's the good news: it doesn't have to be this way.

With the right web development partner, you can turn those pain points into opportunities that drive your business forward. So, how do you choose the right one?

In this guide, we'll talk about the benefits of working with a web dev company, how to find the right one and the best practices everyone should apply.

Web App Development: Can You Do It Yourself?

In the age of DIY solutions, tackling projects on your own is appealing. With all the resources, tutorials, and open-source tools available online, building a web app yourself is doable. And sure, it is—but it's not as easy as it seems.

Web app development isn't just about slapping together some code and calling it a day. You want to create something that works smoothly, looks good, and meets your business needs.

If you're not a pro in this area, you might be stuck on several occasions. The technical stuff—like getting the code right and managing databases—can take much longer than expected.

Then there's the quality issue. You might end up with a web app that seems fine initially but starts to show cracks over time. Maybe it's slow to load, isn't as secure as it should be, or doesn't offer the best user experience.

These are problems that can turn users away and ultimately hurt your business. Ultimately, it could take way more time and money, especially if you need to bring in a professional to fix things.

So, if you're serious about creating a web app that works for your business, teaming up with a professional web development company is probably the wiser, faster, and less stressful option.

A diverse group of professionals collaborating in a modern office environment, focused on their tasks and discussions.

Why Go For Web App Development Services?

Opting for professional web app development services can save you time and energy. Here's why it's a smart move:

Expertise You Can Rely On

When you work with a professional web development company, you're tapping into a pool of knowledge and experience that's hard to beat.

These experts, like the ones at Moonstone Interactive, have been in the game for a while, and they know the ins and outs of creating an attractive, easy-to-use web app that functions smoothly.

They're up-to-date with the latest technologies and best practices, which means they build your app using the most efficient and practical tools, applying industry best practices.

Custom Web Apps

Custom website development services can create a web app tailored to your business requirements. Whether you need a complex app with multiple features or something simple and user-friendly, they've covered you.

This customization level ensures your web app does what you need without unnecessary bells and whistles.

Save Time and Effort

Let's face it—building a web app is no small feat. It takes much time, energy, and focus. Hiring a professional can free up your schedule to focus on other essential aspects of your business.

The development team will handle all the heavy lifting, from initial planning to final launch. At the same time, you keep your attention on your business where it's needed most.

Ongoing Support and Maintenance

The work doesn't stop once your web app is live. You'll need to keep it updated, fix bugs, and maybe even add new features.

A reputable web development company will offer ongoing support to ensure your app evolves with growing user expectations, security requirements, technology progression, and business goals. They keep your app in top shape long after launching, which is invaluable.

Peace of Mind

One of the most significant benefits of going with a professional service is the peace of mind it brings. You can trust that your web app is in capable hands, which reduces the stress and worry that often comes with DIY projects.

What Goes Into Web Development?

Knowing the framework of the web development process may further convince you to tap into a company's expertise. Here's a breakdown of what goes into building a successful website or web application:

1. Planning and Strategy

Before any coding starts, some serious planning needs to happen. Planning is where you determine the website's purpose, who it's for, and what you want it to achieve.

You'll also map out the structure, such as what pages you'll need and how to organize the information for ease of use. The information structure is the essential foundation for everything that follows. This step is crucial.

2. Design and User Experience (UX)

Once the plan is in place, it's time to consider design. You want things to look appealing and make the site easy to use. 

Designers start with wireframes, which are like blueprints for the site. Then, they create detailed designs focusing on how users interact with the site. Hence, it's intuitive and visually appealing.

3. Front-End Development

Now comes the part where the design comes to life. Front-end development is all about building the parts of the site that users interact with. This development involves using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to turn the design into a working website.

And it's not just about making it look good on a desktop—front-end developers also ensure the site works seamlessly on smartphones, tablets, and other devices.

4. Back-End Development

While the front end is what users see, the back end is where the magic happens behind the scenes. Back-end development involves building and managing the server, database, and application that keep the site running smoothly.

Back-end developers use programming languages like .NET, MVC, Python, Ruby, and PHP to build this core infrastructure.

5. Content Management

A website or web app needs content—text, images, videos, you name it. A content management system (CMS) makes managing this content easier by integrating front-end, back-end,  and content. 

A CMS lets you update your site's content without knowing any code, which enables the marketing department to keep things fresh and relevant. 

Content management systems vary in capabilities, sophistication, security, scalability, ease of use, and cost. A popular basic open-source CMS is WordPress. At the more sophisticated end are Digital Experience Platforms (DXP), which integrate sophisticated CMS capabilities, security, and scalability with content personalization, marketing automation, and experimentation tools in one integrated platform. Kentico Xperience and Optimizely are popular, highly regarded DXPs.

6. Testing and Quality Assurance

Before the site goes live, it needs a thorough once-over. Testing is about validating the user experience, catching bugs, ensuring everything works across different browsers and devices, and ensuring the site is secure. 

It's a critical step because fixing issues now is more manageable than after the site is live.

7. Launch

Once you thoroughly test and approve the website, it's time to launch! Launch is when you move the site from a staging environment (where it was built and tested) to a live server where everyone can access it. 

But even after launch, developers should keep an eye on things to ensure everything runs smoothly.

8. Ongoing Maintenance and Updates

Web development doesn't end at launch. Regular maintenance is essential to keep the site secure, fix any issues, and add new features as needed.

This ongoing work ensures that the site stays up-to-date and continues to serve its purpose effectively.

9. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

If you want people to find your site, you need to think about SEO. Search Engine Optimization positions your site to rank well in search engines like Google.

Good SEO practices help drive organic traffic to your site, making a huge difference in its success. Here are a few examples of essential SEO practices:

  • Keyword optimization: Use relevant keywords in titles, headings, and content to match search queries.
  • Quality relevant content: Regularly publish valuable, informative content to rank higher in search results.
  • Mobile optimization: A mobile-friendly improves rankings and user experience.
  • Page load speed: Optimize page loading times to avoid losing users and improve rankings.
  • Internal linking: Guide users and distribute link equity across your website.
  • Meta tags: Write clear and compelling meta titles and descriptions for better click-through rates.
  • Backlinks: Build quality backlinks from reputable sites to boost your site's authority.
  • Alt text: Add descriptive alt text to images to improve SEO and accessibility.
  • Regular updates: Keep your content current, accurate, and relevant to maintain strong search rankings.

10. Analytics and Performance Monitoring

After the site is live, tracking how it's performing is essential. Setting up analytics lets you see who's visiting your site, what visitors are doing, and how well your site satisfies users' expectations and meets your business goals.

This data is precious because it helps you make informed decisions about improving the site and better serving your users.

What to Look For in a Web Development Company

Choosing the right web app development company is a big deal, especially if you want your project to go smoothly. Here's a more detailed look at what you should be checking out when picking the right partner:

1. Strong Portfolio

A company's portfolio is a showcase of their work. It's one of the best ways to see their capabilities. Look for the breadth of designs rather than for a particular design. Good designers apply creativity to support each client's brand image, target customer profiles, products, services, and the company's style preferences. Suppose they have a breadth of quality websites. In that case, they are likely listening to their clients and delivering bespoke designs to fulfill the unique characteristics of the business.  

When looking through their previous projects, ask yourself if their style and work quality match what you have in mind. Have they built apps or websites similar to what you're envisioning? If so, that's a good indicator that they can handle your project, too.

A solid portfolio shows what they've done and gives you an idea of what they could do for you.

2. Technological Expertise

The tech world moves fast, and you want to ensure that the web development company you choose is fluent in the latest technologies and tools.

Whether it's the newest front-end frameworks like React or robust back-end technologies like Node.js, they need the skills to build something modern, efficient, and scalable.

This expertise helps ensure that your web app will work well today and stand the test of time as new technologies emerge.

4. Good Communication

You want a team that's easy to talk to, listens to your ideas, and keeps you updated on what's going on.

Imagine explaining your vision without getting feedback or updates—it'd be frustrating, right? That's why picking a company that values clear, consistent communication is essential.

They should make you feel like you're part of the process, keeping you in the loop at every project stage. With transparent communication, you can avoid surprises and ensure that the final product fulfills what you had in mind.

5. Project Management Process

A well-structured project management process is a must for keeping everything on track. The last thing you want is a project that drags on indefinitely or blows past its budget.

Ask the company how they plan to manage your project. Do they have clear timelines, set milestones, and a process for keeping you updated? 

A company with a good project management process will help ensure the development runs smoothly, stays on schedule, and meets all your expectations.

6. Flexibility and Adaptability

Let's face it: things don't always go as planned. Maybe you'll come up with new ideas halfway through, or the project's scope will change. That's why working with a company that's flexible and willing to adapt as needed is so important.

They should be open to adjusting and refining the project as it evolves. You want a team that will stick rigidly to the initial plan and is willing to pivot and make changes to meet your needs as they develop.

7. Transparent Pricing

No one likes to be caught off guard by unexpected costs, especially in the middle of a big project, which is why transparent pricing is so important.

The company should be upfront about what everything will cost, from the initial development to any potential extras that might come up.

Get a detailed quote and ensure you know what you get. This clarity helps you confirm that the development company understands your requirements and avoids nasty surprises.

8. Post-Launch Support

Just because your web app is live doesn't mean the work is over. That's often when the real work begins.

You may need to fix bugs, enhance functions, and sometimes add new features. That's why ongoing support from your web development company is so crucial. You want to ensure they're there for you after launch and ready to help with maintenance and updates.

This continued support ensures your app remains functional, secure, and up to date, which is incredibly important for keeping your users happy and your business running smoothly.

How Moonstone Interactive Can Help You Create a Top-Notch Website

These days, having a solid online presence isn't just nice to have—it's necessary if you want your business to succeed.

Moonstone Interactive can help you achieve just that. We understand how important it is to stand out online, and we're here to help you create a website that looks great and makes a real impact.

Screenshot of Moonstone Interactive's Navigation and Hero banner

Getting Your Business Goals on Track

When you work with us, we don't just dive into building your site. First, we take the time to understand your business.

We want to know what your goals are, who your audience is, and what makes you different from the competition. Your business purpose helps us create a functional website that is a natural extension of your brand.

A great website can do much more than show off your products or services—it can engage your customers and help build stronger relationships. That's why we focus on your business goals right from the start.

We want your website to be a powerful tool that helps drive your business forward, not just another online brochure.

Using the Best Industry Practices

We've been around the block a few times—since 1995, so we've seen how web development has evolved. And in that time, we've picked up a thing or two about what works and what doesn't.

Our portfolio includes successful projects, from content management systems to custom apps and secure e-commerce sites.

But we're not just sticking with what we know—we're always keeping up with the latest trends and technologies. That way, we can offer you web development services that are cutting-edge and reliable. 

Whether you need a mobile app, a custom e-commerce site, or something more complex, we have the skills and experience to do it.

Boosting Your Sales with E-Commerce Web Development

Your website must deliver a seamless shopping experience if you're selling anything online. It's an explicit requirement.

That's why our web application development company focuses so much on e-commerce web development. We're all about creating custom shopping cart applications that work smoothly with online payment gateways.

Customizing applications isn't just about making things look good; it's about elevating the user experience (UX) and building customer trust. When customers feel secure and supported, they're less likely to abandon their carts, which means more sales for you.

Web App Development Best Practices

Are you attempting to create your website? Or are you leaving in the hands of a web development company? 

Either way, there are some best practices to ensure the finished product meets all your business needs.

If you're working with a company, knowing these best practices can help you see that your project is going in the right direction.

Keep the User in Mind

First and foremost, your web app design should fulfill the users' expectations, creating an intuitive and easy user interface.

If users can't figure out how to use your app quickly, they will likely leave and never return. So, think about the user experience from the start. What will they be trying to do on your app? How can you make that process as simple as possible?

The goal is to make your app user-friendly so people enjoy it and return.

Go Responsive

These days, people are accessing the web from all sorts of devices—smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktops. That's why you must ensure your web app looks great on any screen size.

Supporting any screen size is where responsive design comes in. By building your app with a responsive design, you ensure it adapts to different devices for a seamless user experience. No one should have to pinch, zoom, or scroll sideways to use your app.

A good, responsive design ensures your app is accessible and enjoyable, regardless of the user's device.

Focus on Performance

Nobody likes a slow app. If your web app is slow or lags when users try to interact with it, they'll probably get frustrated and leave. That's why performance optimization should be a top priority.

Improving speed means minimizing load times, optimizing images, and ensuring your app is efficient even with much traffic. Regularly testing your app's performance and improving as needed is also a good idea. The faster and smoother your app is, the happier your users will be.

A man focused on his work, typing on a computer with a monitor in a well-lit office environment.

Prioritize Security

Security is a huge deal, primarily when your web app handles sensitive data like personal information or payment details.

You'll need to implement strong security practices to keep your app safe. Strong security includes using encryption to protect data, regularly updating your software to protect against new vulnerabilities, and setting up firewalls to block unauthorized access.

It's also crucial to keep up with new security threats and proactively take steps to protect your app. A secure app protects your users and helps build trust in your brand.

Plan for Scalability

As your visitors and transactions grow, your web app should handle the growth. The capability to grow means planning for scalability from the start.

Whether you're expecting more users, more data, more web portals, or new features, your app should be able to handle it all without a hitch. The capability to scale involves choosing the right technology stack, designing a flexible architecture, or even thinking ahead about how you'll manage increased traffic.

Test, Test, Test

Before launching your web app, make sure to QA it thoroughly. Thorough QA includes testing for bugs, usability, performance, and security issues.

The more testing you do, the more likely you are to catch and fix any problems before your users encounter them.

It's also a good idea to get feedback from real users during the testing phase so you can make any necessary tweaks before going live. A well-tested app is more reliable and will save you much trouble in the long run.

The Cost of Poor Web Development

Do you know how sometimes it feels like a good idea to save a few bucks by cutting corners? Well, when it comes to web development, that can seriously backfire.

Sure, it might seem like you're saving money upfront, but poor web development's long-term costs can hit you where it hurts.

Lost Customers and Revenue

Imagine this: a potential customer clicks on your site, but it's slow to load, hard to navigate, or full of glitches.

What do they do? They bounce—straight to a competitor's site. Every time someone leaves your site out of frustration, it's not just a missed visitor; it's a missed sale. Those lost sales can add up fast and chip away at your bottom line.

Damaged Brand Reputation

Your website is the face of your business online. If it's giving people a bad experience, that's the impression they'll have of your entire brand.

And in today's world, word travels fast—predominantly negative feedback. Suppose people start talking about how frustrating or unreliable your site is. In that case, it can seriously hurt your reputation and scare off potential customers before they even give you a chance.

Higher Long-Term Costs

Here's the kicker: that money you saved by skimping on development? You'll probably end up spending it—and then some—fixing all the issues.

Poorly built sites are like ticking time bombs; they're more likely to crash, get buggy, or be vulnerable to security threats. When you're constantly patching things up, those costs can skyrocket. You might even need to redo the whole site sooner than you think, which is a considerable expense you didn't plan for.

Security Risks and Data Breaches

Think about the nightmare of a data breach. If your site does not have solid security, it's an open invitation for hackers.

Not only could they steal sensitive customer data, but you could also face legal troubles, hefty fines, and a massive loss of trust from your customers. Plus, it's hard to bounce back once your reputation takes a hit.

Lower Search Engine Rankings

All search engines, especially Google, want to direct users to sites that provide a good experience. If your site is slow, not mobile-friendly, or has a high bounce rate, it will hurt your rankings.

That means fewer people find your site through search, which means fewer potential customers.

Missed Opportunities for Growth

Lastly, you will hit severe roadblocks if your site cannot grow with your business.

Let's say your business takes off, and you want to add new features or handle more traffic. If your site cannot scale, making those changes could be a nightmare—or even impossible without starting from scratch. That's time, money, and growth opportunities down the drain.

Custom Web Solutions With Moonstone Interactive

Creating a successful web app isn't easy, but it's doable—especially if you follow some essential best practices.

Whether you're considering doing it yourself or working with a custom web development company, focus on user experience, performance, and essential security. Your web app should be a vital part of your business that can make a difference.

But let's be honest—going it alone can be challenging. That's why finding the right web application development services is so important.

With a team like Moonstone Interactive, you get technical skills and a partner invested in your success. Our web and software development experts take the time to understand your goals and help turn your vision into reality.

If you're serious about building a web app customized to your needs and helping your business grow, why not contact Moonstone Interactive? Our expertise and commitment to your success can make all the difference.

Moonstone Interactive is a certified developer for two industry-renowned DXP platforms: Kentico Xperience and Optimizely DXP. Contact Moonstone today for a free consultation!

Moonstone Interactive is the Full Package

At Moonstone Interactive, we're more than just web development experts—we're your one-stop shop for all things digital. 

We offer a full suite of services to help your business thrive online, from crafting beautiful websites to driving traffic and optimizing performance.

Online Marketing

Getting noticed online can be challenging, but with our online marketing services, we make it easier for your business to stand out.

Whether through SEO, social media campaigns, or targeted advertising, we help you reach your audience and grow your brand. We shape our strategies to your specific needs so that every marketing effort works toward driving traffic, increasing engagement, and maximizing conversions.

Web Design

First impressions matter, primarily online. Our web design team creates attractive, engaging, easy-to-use websites that work seamlessly on any device.

We focus on image and functionality, ensuring your site reflects your brand's identity while providing an excellent user experience (UX). From engaging, modern designs to more traditional layouts, we design websites that deliver your brand essence and what the user wants, leaving a lasting impression.

User Experience (UX) Design

A good-looking website is just the beginning; it must also be easy to use. Our UX design services ensure your site is intuitive, accessible, and enjoyable.

We focus on creating smooth, efficient user journeys that make it easy for visitors to find what they want and take action. By optimizing the user experience, we help you keep visitors engaged and encourage them to become loyal customers.

Content Management Systems

Keeping your website's content current and relevant is crucial. Our content management services simplify it. We work with you to manage your site's content while ensuring it's always up-to-date and aligned with your business goals.


A great website isn't much use if it's slow or doesn't rank well in search engines. That's where our optimization services come in. We fine-tune your site's performance, improving load times, optimizing SEO, and ensuring everything runs smoothly.

We aim to help your site perform at its best, providing a better user experience and higher rankings in search results.

FAQs About Web App Development Services

How long does it take to develop a web application?

The timeline for web app development varies depending on the project's complexity. On average, it can take anywhere from a few to several months.

How much does it cost to develop a web app?

Custom web application development costs depend on various factors, including the project scope, the technology used, and the development company's rates. Getting a detailed quote from the company you're considering is best.

Can I update my web app after it's launched?

Yup! All businesses should regularly update their websites to address new security vulnerabilities, enhance the user experience, and improve performance. A good development company will offer ongoing support to help you with updates.

Do I need a web app, or will a website suffice?

It depends on your business needs. A web app might be better if you require complex interactions and features beyond what a standard website can offer.